What Can Brown Do For You?

Brown bag, Brown Sugar, Brown potato, Brown chocolate, Brown Bear, Brown UPS ...

Sunday, June 25, 2006


10. Q: What did the lonely banana say?
A: I'm a kela.

9. Q: What did the green peas say?
A: Nothing. They just mutter- ed

8. Q: What are call-boxes for ghosts called?
A: B(h)ooths

7. Q: What did the flower say to its girl-friend?
A: Why do phools fall in love?

6. Q: What did the potato say when it answered the phone?
A: Aaloo?

5. Q: What did the confused egg say?
A: I don't unda-stand.

4. Q: What did the half eaten naan say?
A: I wish I was puri.

3. Q: What did the fat car say?
A: I'm a mota car.

2. Q: What did the lonely potato sing?
A: Aaloo lonesome tonight?

1. Q: What is a vegetables favourite love song?
A: Love me tinda.

- brownguy

btw i gotta get that shirt


  • At 10:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    your jokes are full of shit

  • At 11:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well you must have no life to be reading them 10 in the morning.. searchin up random ass shit and then commenting about how their full of shit.. whatta fag

  • At 4:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As silly as those jokes are, they are cute to tell kids!
    Shirt is pretty kick ass. Check out funny shirts at http://www.brownmanclothing.com.

  • At 7:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    isay jokes kahtay hain?


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